Lifestyle System - "Listening to Life"

"No problem, we can fix it in Photoshop!"
Here are a few examples of the photo-retouching I did for the Lifestyle System in-store shows.
Beyond the usual cleaning and punching up, a few of the images left us with some unusual things to alter.
(Run mouse over the image to see original state.)

If you stare at this one the illusion falls apart quickly (it was a pretty absurd alteration), but it looks ok in the context of the show.
The only things not fiddled with were the couple and the bushes. The "before" pic is an intermediate state - kids were altered 1st.
Oh the horror!  Actually, she was the only one who followed directions - the storyline was changed after the shoot.
Part of a series.
I liked the watermelon there - gave it that random touch.
Mullions are great - until you have to work around them....
More moody pools of light. Oh, and lose the basket of remotes, please.

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